So, by now you've probably heard that Sony is relaunching their PlayStation Home service this fall<>, and from what I've read, it looks like it'll be at least worth checking out. They're going to be adding quests and more activities that may even make Home a decent way to waste some time. Even though I'm not a frequent visitor, I've jumped in a few times this year to browse around. I think the best application of the space so far was the streamed E3 keynote that was broadcast in Home earlier this year, and the replica of Sony's E3 space that you could explore. For those of us who couldn't go to E3, this was a pretty cool thing. I don't know why Sony doesn't do something similar for TGS and Gamescom, as I firmly believe this would draw more people into Home.
At any rate, I'll definitely check out the new PlayStation Home when it launches later this year. I just hope it'll hold my attention for longer than it has in the past.