Tuesday, September 20, 2011

CoOp Avengers? Cancelled?!? WTF?

What the HELL do we have to do to get these developers to realize that we want to play video games together?!! World of Warcraft has bleventymillion subscribers people! We want to play together!

1UP.com reports a video leaked to the internet on Reddit for an unnamed game apparently from THQ tied in with the upcoming Avengers movie.

The video is amazing and shows footage of Iron Man hovering and shooting hand lasers as well as Hulk sprinting/jumping and doing AIR COMBOs against hapless foes...

So how did I make the leap to CoOp? In one part of the video Hulk clap smashes a mob and detonates an Iron Man mine! Further there is one part where Hulk and Cap are in the same shot... Now maybe it is a stretch but c'mon what is more "Avengers" than having a video game where you free roam as a superhero posse of limitless power?!

Why do these companies have such contempt for us?! If you build it I will buy two copies of it so we can play CoOp in the house!!

Source: 1UP.com

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